Optimize Your Karuta Gameplay with Precision and Ease
Free up your Karuta bot with Keqing Bot! This handy Discord bot helps you test frames, calculate work effort, price cards, and more!
Trusted by over 60.000+ discord servers, including

Keqing [Bot] Mains
11431 members

Karuta's Comfy Cabin
8452 members

Karuta City
35014 members

Karuta Cove
24909 members

The Witch Hut
12238 members

Karuta's Kit 🌙
71062 members
Support Keqing Bot!
If you would like to help cover the server costs, you can donate any amount you want using Ko-fi. You will also gain some special perks for your server!
141% of the $200 per month operational costs are funded!

Need help?
You can ask for help, give feedback, request new features or just use the Keqing bot in the official support server.
Join the support serverIf you encounter any problems at all, please contact @itsdei there.