Card Competitions

Card Competitions

For a quick rundown of all these commands, please run accsetting

Giving someone the host role

  • First, create a role for the people you want to run competitions. For this example, we created a role called CompHost.
  • Once you’ve created the role, please run accsetting role @CompHost (replace the @ with whatever role you created). This will tell keqing this role can access the competition commands. NOTE: only server admins / those with role permissions can assign roles.

How to use

Once someone has the Card Comp Host role, here are the steps to setting up your first voting match:

  • First, kv the first card

    Card Competitions
  • Next, reply to the karuta message with acrc #ChannelLink (see note below)

    Card Competitions
  • Finally, kv the second card

    Card Competitions
    Card Competitions

The #ChannelLink after the first acrc is optional. Linking a channel will tell keqing to send the final vote message in that channel, meaning you can run all these commands in a private channel, while only the vote shows up publicly. If you don’t include a channel link, keqing will send the vote message in the channel you’re currently in.


Keqings default vote time is 24 hours. You can run accsetting duration <number> (in hours) to set a new default duration to your vote. You can run accsetting duration default to return it to 24 hours

Card Competitions


The card competition feature is free, but premium keqing members have the option to add their own backgrounds to help customize each competition they do. To add your own background as a new default, please run accsetting background <uploadYourImage>. Adding a new background will also remove the VS text in the middle and the Keqing branding text below. If you’d like to revert back to the default, please run accsetting background default

Card Competitions