Card Competitions

The card competition feature is free, but premium keqing members have the option to add their own backgrounds to help customize each competition they do.

Card Competitions

For a quick rundown of all these commands, please run accsetting



Create a Role for Competition Management

First things first, create a role for the people you want to manage competitions. For example, we created a role called CompHost.


Grant Role Access to Competition Commands

Next, run accsetting role @CompHost (replace the @ with the role you created). This gives the role access to competition commands.


Only server admins or those with role management perms can assign roles.


Start the Voting Match

After setting up the Card Comp Host role, it's time to set up your first voting match. Do this by: Selecting the first card using kv Card Competitions


Set Up the Voting Channel

Then, reply to the karuta message with acrc #ChannelLink (check the image below)

Card Competitions


Select the Second Card

Finally, use kv to select the second card

Card Competitions Card Competitions


The #ChannelLink after the initial acrc is optional. Specifying a channel link will instruct keqing to send the final vote message to that channel, allowing you to run commands in a private channel while only displaying the vote publicly. If you omit the channel link, keqing will send the vote message to the current channel.


Keqing's default voting time is 24 hours. If you want to change this, just type accsetting duration <number> (in hours) to set a new default voting time. If you want to go back to the usual 24 hours, just type accsetting duration default. Card Competitions


Every server can use the card competition feature, but if you're on a premium keqing server, you get a sweet perk - you can add your own backgrounds to make each competition you host truly unique. To make your own background the new norm, just run accsetting background <uploadYourImage>. This will also remove the VS text in the middle and the Keqing branding at the bottom. If you want to go back to the default look, just use accsetting background default Card Competitions