Most Tested Frames

Important Note

This feature is available for premium servers only

With Images

Most Tested Frames

Command Information

  • Format : [p]topframes
  • Aliases : [p]topframe, [p]topf


  • Search for the character through k!lookup
    • Example: k!lookup makima
  • Select the corresponding edition
    • Click the ⬅️ or ➡️ to switch edition
  • Reply to the lookup embed with the [p]topframes command
Most Tested Frames

Only Text

Most Tested Frames


  • Search for the character through k!lookup
    • Example: k!lookup makima
  • Select the corresponding edition
    • Click the ⬅️ or ➡️ to switch edition
  • React with 🎖️ (:military_medal:).
    • For non-premium servers, you need to add the 🎖️ (:military_medal:) manually.