Server Drop Ping

Server Drop
Server Drop

Basically same as the Wishlist Notifier

How to use

  • First, if you want to use this feature, you need to enable it in your server.

  • How? If you are an admin, just click the button

    Server Drop
  • After that you can run the command below

Command :
  • [p]dropwatch
  • To remove your @Server Drop Ping role, just click the button
  • Note : You can use this command on any servers
Important :

@Keqing must have the MANAGE ROLES perms

Role restriction

This feature can be limited so that a role is required to obtain the @Server Drop Ping

Commands :

Format : [p]adropaccess <@role | false>

Info: Use false to make it available to all members.

Disable Feature

  • Run [p]dropwath command
  • Press the button
Important :

Important @Keqing will delete the @Server Drop Ping role, which means all members will lose the role.